Counseling and psychotherapy for individuals, couples and families.

Faithful Journey Cousneling & Coaching LLC

Faithful Journey Cousneling & Coaching LLC

"Healing is walking through the darkness to find your own light."

Virtual - Telehealth office

open for appointments:

Monday 7:30am-7pm

Tuesday 7:30am-7pm

Friday 7:30am-4pm

"Therapy helps you to embrace the detours and rediscover the beauty of your journey."

Let my 13 years and 20,00 hours of counseling experience accompany you on your unique journey.

Faithful Journey Counseling is comitted to providing professional and ethical counseling to those seeking healing, growth or improvement in their life. Partnering with clients to empower them with the tools they need to reach their goals. Take advantage of the knowledge and over 20,000 hours of experience!

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